Reading Media in Local Scripts Using Indonesian. Surabaya (19/10/24) – Dreaming is legal and humane. Humans must have dreams. Dream as high as the sky. If you Fall, you will fall among the stars.

This expression is still relevant to the dreams of the founder of ꧌ꦥꦹꦫꦶꦄꦏ꧀ꦱꦫꦫꦴꦗꦥꦠ꧀ꦤꦷ꧍Puri Aksara Rajapatni, Ita Surojoyo. Ita in the Javanese Script Teaching Activity (Sinau Aksara Jawa) on Saturday (19/10/24) expressed her dream that she would like to see Indonesian written using local script in masse for various occasions and purposes.

When writing in Java (Central Java, Special Region of Yogyakarta, and East Java) uses Javanese script, In Bali uses Balinese script, and in West Java uses Sundanese script and so on. ꧌ꦥꦼꦔ꧀ꦒꦸꦤꦴꦤ꧀꧍ This use of local script is not an effort to say “de-Indonesianize”. But ꧌ꦈꦥꦪ꧍ it is even an effort to recall the local script which is also a national identity. The local script is ꧌ꦮꦂꦤ꧍, the color and richness of Indonesian literacy. Moreover, we know that the Latin script we use to write Indonesian is an imported script, ꧌ꦄꦱꦶꦁ꧍foreign.

This effort is not against the content of the ꧌ꦱꦸꦩ꧀ꦥꦃꦥꦼꦩꦸꦝ꧍ Youth Pledge, which states one nation, Indonesian; one country, Indonesi; and one language, Indonesian. The effort to introduce local script is ꧌ꦮꦸꦗꦸꦢ꧀꧍ a form of love for the homeland, Indonesia.

The Javanese Script Class. Foto: nanang

Ita Surojoyo’s idea ꧌ꦅꦠꦯꦹꦫꦗꦪ꧍ does not eliminate Indonesian, Indonesian still exists and is used orally at the local and national level. However, in terms of writing, local scripts are introduced to be used to write Indonesian ꧌ꦅꦟ꧀ꦝꦺꦴꦤꦺꦱꦾ꧍ in any forms.

History has recorded that the local script in Java was once used to write the ꧌ꦱꦤ꧀ꦱꦼꦏꦼꦂꦡ꧍ Sanskrit language apart from Old Javanese. For example, during the Medang, Singasari and ꧌ꦩꦙꦥꦲꦶꦠ꧀꧍ Majapahit Kingdoms, the local Old Javanese or Kawi script was used to write both Old Javanese and Sanskrit.

Now and in the future, like Ita’s dreams, the Javanese script in Java can be used in addition to writing Javanese and Indonesian.

Ita teaches in her Javanese Script Class. Foto: nanang

Actually, at this time, it doesn’t mean that Indonesian has not yet been written in Javanese script. Supporting technology in the form of a transliteration tool from Latin to local scripts are ꧌ꦠꦼꦂꦰꦼꦝꦶꦪ꧍ available. For example, the Transkara application can help transliterate from Latin script to local scripts. 

This Latin script is ꧌ꦱꦼꦧꦒꦻꦩꦤ꧍ as in Indonesian, which can then be transliterated into Local Scripts, such as ꧌ꦏꦮꦶ꧍ Kawi, Javanese, Balinese, Pegon, Batak, Sundanese and others.

꧌ꦠꦺꦏ꧀ꦤꦺꦴꦭꦺꦴꦒꦶ꧍ Technology helps provide convenience. Now it’s just a matter of how many people are willing  to use this technology. 

Even though technology has helped, manual understanding towards local script is still needed to be able to correct and edit the transliteration results if something is not appropriate.

“The transliteration results of the ‘Salin Saja and Transkara’ technology are approximately 95 percent accurate,” explained Ita to Sinau Javanese Script students.

Ita Surojoyo prepares her second book written in Javanese script. Foto: private doc

Is it difficult to write in local script, for example Javanese script, ꧌ꦈꦤ꧀ꦠꦸꦏ꧀꧍ for Indonesian? Ita is not just daydreaming, Ita is proving it. ꧌ꦧꦃꦏꦤ꧀꧍, she is even preparing her new book “Getting to Know Surabaya”, an Indonesian children’s book written in Javanese script, using bahasa Indonesia and translated into English which ꧌ꦝꦶꦠꦸꦭꦶꦱ꧀꧍ is written in Latin.

Similar ꧌ꦱꦼꦫꦸꦥ꧍ things should probably be done in other local scripts, for example Sundanese script, Batak script and ꧌ꦭꦩ꧀ꦥꦸꦁ꧍ Lampung. Indeed, not all regions in the archipelago have local scripts. However, it ꧌ꦄꦏꦤ꧀꧍ will be richer if there are books or reading media written in local (Nusantara) script in Indonesian.

Ita Surojoyo’s idea of ꧌ꦅꦠꦯꦹꦫꦗꦪ꧍ is not just a daydream, but a dream that is followed by strong efforts and struggles ꧌ꦩꦼꦮꦸꦗꦸꦢ꧀ꦏꦤ꧀꧍ to make that dream come true. (PAR/nng)

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