Rajapatni.com: Surabaya (22/2/24) – Emperor of Japan ꦤ ꦫꦸ ꦲꦶ ꦠꦺꦴ Naruhito celebrated his 64th birthday on February 23 2024. However, the Consulate General ( The Japanese Consul General in Surabaya with his consul Takeyama Kenichi held the celebration early by inviting a number of stakeholders on Wednesday (21/2/2024) evening.
A number of stakeholders include Plt. East Java Governor Adhy Karyono, Emil Elestianto Dardak with wife, Arumi Bachsin; former Minister of BUMN who is also CEO of Disway Dahlan Iskan; a number of officials within the Surabaya City Government, such as the Surabaya City Regional Secretary Iksan to representatives of friendly countries in ꦯꦸ ꦫ ꦨ ꦪ Surabaya such as America, Germany and England.
In this simple celebration, Acting ꦒꦸ ꦧꦼꦂ ꦤꦸꦂ Governor of East Java Andy Karyono said that East Java had collaborated well with Japan. One of them is in the investment sector. According to Andy, there are delays in economic activities between the two parties. Namely a trade mission to Japan.
Meanwhile, the Japanese Consul General in Surabaya, Takeyama Kenichi, in his remarks which were slightly punctuated with Javanese ꦧꦲꦱꦗꦮ, said that apart from the possibility of cooperation in developing Mass Rapid Transit (MRT), it would also promote Japanese tourism in Indonesia, especially East Java. The aim is to increase foreign tourist visits from East Java.
Therefore, on the backdrop screen, a video was shown several times about the tourism potential in Japan regarding both culture and nature. Japan is known for its cultural strength even though it is a modern country.
After giving speeches, Japanese Consul General Takeyama Kenichi and Acting Governor of East Java Andy Karyono ꦧꦼꦂꦱꦸꦭꦁ gave a toast followed by the invited guests. A toast marks a closer friendship.

At the friendly event, Consul Takeyama Kenichi met the Puri Aksara Rajapatni team, represented by Ita Surojoyo and Nanang Purwono. Consul Takeyama expressed and appreciated the congratulations sent by Rajapatni to Emperor Narohito which were written in Javanese script.
“Yes, thank you Hanacaraka. I’ve studied but it’s difficult, it’s difficult,” said Takeyama, haltingly pronouncing ꦕꦫꦏꦤ꧀ Carakan (Hanacaraka) which is followed by hand movements as if writing Javanese characters with snaking strokes.

This Japanese Emperor’s birthday greeting in Javanese script was deliberately presented by ꦥꦸꦫꦶꦄꦏ꧀ꦱꦫꦫꦴꦗꦥꦠ꧀ꦤꦷ Puri Aksara Rajapatni as a form of informal cultural cooperation between Rajapatni and the Japanese people in Surabaya.

On that occasion Rajapatni also met the Regional Secretary of the City of Surabaya, Iksan, who came to represent the Mayor of Surabaya, Eri Cahyadi. On September 19 2023, Iksan, on behalf of the Mayor, issued a Circular (SE) containing instructions for writing ꦄꦏ꧀ꦱꦫꦗꦮ Javanese script in Surabaya City Government agencies.
ꦆꦏ꧀ꦱꦤ꧀ Iksan introduced the Rajapatni Team to several parties who came to greet him at the anniversary of Japanese Emperor Naruhito’s birthday.
“This is what drives the Javanese script,” said Iksan to his colleagues. (nanang PAR)