Humility: The Deputy Minister of Culture of Indonesia, Giring Ganesha, Accepts Suggestions on the Advancement of Nusantara Script from Rajapatni SURABAYA – The Deputy Minister of Culture of Indonesia, Giring Ganesha Djumaryo, has not forgotten his artistic nature. Giring grew up in a family environment deeply connected to art and cultural values. He himself started as a singer, songwriter, actor, and voice actor. Recently, he ventured into politics, which eventually led him to become the Deputy Minister of Culture of Indonesia.

It is fitting that Giring, a politician with an artistic background, is in charge of culture. This has naturally made him humble in a way that is not forced.

Giring’s Humble Attitude in Politics

At the “Sambung Rasa Kebudayaan Jawa Timur” event at Taman Budaya Jawa Timur on Saturday afternoon (January 11, 2025), Deputy Minister Giring attentively listened to the opinions and questions from participants, responding to each one in turn.

He even greeted a participant with hands in a respectful gesture (Anjali murdha). Not only that, but Giring bent down to pick up a participant’s fallen glasses while both were bowing in mutual respect.

This exemplifies the humility of a government official, the Deputy Minister, who truly comes from an artist and cultural background at heart.

During the event, Giring met with participants from the Surabaya Javanese Script Community and Puri Aksara Rajapatni to receive a letter addressed to the Minister of Culture containing points related to the Advancement of Nusantara Script.

Wamen Kebudayaan Giring Ganesha menerima poin poin Pemajuan Aksara Nusantara dari ketua Puri Aksara Rajapatni, Nanang Purwono. Foto: kul

The points were prepared by Nanang Purwono, Chairman of Puri Aksara Rajapatni, as a result of the community’s efforts to advance Nusantara Script, a project developed in Surabaya.

Advancement of Nusantara Script: Key Points

At the event, Giring received a letter from the Surabaya Javanese Script Community and Puri Aksara Rajapatni containing proposals for advancing Nusantara Script. Four key points were presented:

  1. The use of Nusantara Script on Indonesian currency denominations.
  2. Creation of a digital application to convert Javanese script to sound.
  3. Use of Nusantara Script as a label for local products.
  4. Creation of batik with Javanese and Nusantara Script motifs.

According to Nanang, these four points concerning the advancement of Nusantara Script are national in scope.

“This national domain requires intervention from the central government, as we have already worked on local initiatives with the Surabaya city government. At the regional level, we’ve collaborated with the XI Cultural Preservation Hall,” explained Nanang to Deputy Minister Giring, who was accompanied by Endah Budi Hariyani, Head of BPKW XI, and Evy Afianasari, Head of the East Java Provincial Culture and Tourism Office.

Giring’s Support for the Advancement of Nusantara Script

Giring said he would pass on the message regarding the advancement of Nusantara Script directly to the Minister of Culture, Fadli Zon. If any matters need coordination or collaboration with regional governments (provinces), he will wait until elected regional leaders are inaugurated as governors and mayors/district heads.

“In the realm of culture, there are issues that must be collaborated on with regional heads,” Giring said while looking at Evy Afianasari, Head of the East Java Culture and Tourism Office, sitting to his left.

Wamen Giring (tengah) didampingi Endah Budi Heiyani (kiri) dan Evy Afianasari (kanan). Foto: nng

According to Giring, East Java has been a point of attention for Minister of Culture Fadli Zon and President Prabowo Subianto due to its Majapahit historical significance.

He referred to Majapahit and its territories as the Old Nusantara, while modern Indonesia is heading toward a New Nusantara, with East Java positioned to become the new gateway to Nusantara.

East Java is indeed worthy of being the new gateway to Nusantara because of its relevance, not only concerning the development of the new IKN Nusantara in Kalimantan but also in reviving the glory of Majapahit as a new center of growth in Indonesia.

Honor for Culture: A Message from President Prabowo Subianto

The glory of Majapahit is a dream to be inherited. Therefore, President Prabowo Subianto, when inaugurating the replica of the Majapahit Palace in Cipayung, East Jakarta on May 7, 2024, stated that this effort is part of preserving the nation’s culture and history.

“If we don’t respect and honor our own culture, who will? No one else will respect it if we don’t,” Prabowo said at the inauguration of the Majapahit Palace replica in Cipayung, East Jakarta on May 7, 2024.

During the Sambung Rasa event, Deputy Minister Giring reminded the artists and cultural figures of East Java to be active and enthusiastic in exploring and manifesting the noble values of Majapahit for the development of the nation now and in the future. At the end of the Sambung Rasa Kebudayaan Jawa Timur event, Giring performed the song “Laskar Pelangi”. (PAR/Team)

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